Meet the Team
Who's who? Meet the leadership teams
HTA Board
The HTA Board is elected annually at the association's Annual General Meeting and is chaired by the HTA President.
The HTA Board directs the affairs of the association and meets regularly with the HTA President and other HTA staff as required during the year.
Members of the Board are elected annually at the association's AGM held each autumn. All full members of the association are invited to attend and vote at the AGM.
For details of current HTA Board members, please see below.
HTA Council
The HTA Council plays an important role in HTA governance. It helps ensure the views of members are heard and reflected in decisions of the Board.
The HTA Council meets three times a year, usually in March, May and in the autumn, and is chaired by the HTA President. Each branch or region of the HTA has a place on the council and regional representatives also act as contact points for members in their area in addition to the HTA Regional Business Managers. For general enquiries please contact [email protected]
HTA Team
The HTA Board is elected annually at the association's Annual General Meeting and is chaired by the HTA President
The HTA board directs the affairs of the association and meets regularly with the HTA President and other HTA staff as required during the year.
Should you need any contact details please contact our services team at [email protected]