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Repetitive vibrations through the prolonged use of power tools and ground working equipment can
lead to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, or ‘white-finger’ as it is commonly referred too. This can
be prevented with effective risk assessments and correct PPE.


Am I at Risk?
You are particularly at risk if you regularly operate:
• Hammer action tools for more than about 15 minutes per
day; or
• Some rotary and other action tools for more than about
one hour per day.

What are the early signs and symptoms to look out
• Tingling and numbness in the fingers (which can cause sleep disturbance).
• Not being able to feel things with your fingers.
• Loss of strength in your hands (you may be less able to pick up or hold heavy objects).
• In the cold and wet, the tips of your fingers going white then red and being painful on
recovery (vibration white finger).

How to Protect Yourself
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 were introduced to better protect workers from
vibration at work and came into force in July 2005.
• Ask to use suitable low-vibration tools.
• Always use the right tool for each job (to do the job more quickly and expose you to less
hand-arm vibration).
• Check tools before using them to make sure they have been properly maintained and repaired
to avoid increased vibration caused by faults or general wear.
• Make sure cutting tools are kept sharp so that they remain efficient.
• Reduce the amount of time you use a tool in one go, by doing other jobs in between.
• Avoid gripping or forcing a tool or workpiece more than you have to.
• Store tools so that they do not have very cold handles when next used.
• Wear anti-vibration gloves.

More information and current legislation can be found at HSE

Thanks to MSM Safety for support with this article