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Association of Professional Landscapers

The Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) is managed by Phil Tremayne and assisted by Natalie Ilsley and Simon Abbot. We are a small team within the larger team of The HTA. The Association also has a committee who work very hard and contribute an enormous amount of time to the organisation, ensuring that its delivery is as beneficial to its members as it can possibly be. 

The Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) is a landscaping specialist group within the HTA. Formed over 25 years ago, it continually strives to become the leading authority for domestic landscaping in the UK.

The association is an operating partner for Trustmark a government endorsed accreditation scheme. This relationship forms the very foundation of our process and our code of conduct.

As a member of the APL, you will have the benefit of benchmarking via an initial assessment, backed up by further assessments and support throughout your time in membership.

The assessment not only provides your customers with confidence, but also provides you with the confidence that your business is kept up to date with latest legislation and best practice.

Through this site you will you will be able to find all relevant documents and information to help your business grow, but also information around events and meetings and background on the committee and key staff members who are dedicated to working for you. A team who are keen along with the support of the HTA to continue to develop the APL community that continues to grow year on year.


Join Today

The Association of Professional Landscapers has memberships to suit all categories within the sector. Landscape Construction Businesses would join as full accredited members, but we also have categories for Designers, Professional Gardeners and Students. There is support for everyone at The APL. So if you are considering taking your business to the next level, or even just want to be part of the fastest growing community in the Landscape industry. Join Today!