David Strow
APL Vice Chair
Artform Landscapes websiteThe Association of Professional Landscapers have published a series of Guidelines for the industry.
The Association of Professional Landscapers' aim is to make these as widely available as possible. They represent the minimum standards for which professionals should adopt.
Industry code of practice for Artificial grass.
Industry code of practice for Decking, wood and composite.
Industry code of practice for Paving, natural and porcelain.
They can be downloaded by filling in the form below.
We would ask that you encourage others to download, rather than simply emailing them to others so that we can monitor the uptake.
“We also ask that you do not alter the content.”
The codes of practice are updated and should be consulted on a regular basis.
They are CDM 2015 compliant and may form an important part of your project documentation
The ambition of the APL is to de-mystify some of the British Standards, giving consistency and availability to the industry, by providing free information that can be shared with the client and ensuring that standards remain high.
To help with this, watch the BS7533 101 video below courtesy of Steintec. Its about an hour long, but has some super information.
On the back of the amazing What Lies Beneath garden constructed at BBC GWL, The APL teamed up with Steintec to produce a useful video explaining what lies beneath and how all this relates to British Standards.
It was filmed over 3 sessions and then edited to give you an amazing educational CPD video.