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Amenity Suppliers Group

This grower group mainly supplies the landscape trade, from specifications for large-scale public procurement contracts to domestic landscapers. They meet two or three times a year to discuss key issues and opportunities, as well as to network and assess the state of the trade nationally. 

The ASG has had a strong influence on the Ornamental Industry Roundtable Action Plan, creating asks for a green infrastructure evaluation toolkit and better engagement with the industry in the public procurement process. Plant health is a big topic of discussion for the group, and they have regularly driven and shaped HTA lobbying in this area. A recent success was influencing the draft EU regulations to include grower compensation packages and to cover internet traders. The group also tries to engage the industry with government agencies leading on major public procurement projects such as HS2, with R&D and has made great contributions for UK growers through identifying opportunities and sharing knowledge such as with the Import Substitution study in 2012 which identified a £300 million opportunity for the industry. 

Chair: Mike Vickers, J A Jones & Sons 

Contact Details: [email protected] 


  • Adam Dunnet, Hillier Nurseries Ltd
  • Andy Johnson, Wyevale Nurseries Ltd 
  • Brian Fraser, Oakover Nurseries Ltd 
  • Gary Swaine, Four Crosses Nursery Ltd
  • Gill Tacchi, Robin Tacchi Plants Ltd
  • Guy Massey, Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd 
  • James Carter, W Crowder & Sons Ltd 
  • James Coles, James Coles & Sons (Nurseries) Ltd
  • Jess Gibbs, Palmstead Nurseries Ltd 
  • Luke Richardson, Johnsons Nurseries Ltd
  • Mike Vickers, J A Jones & Sons Ltd
  • Stuart Tickner, Provender Nurseries Ltd
  • Tony Whittle, Farnham Common Nurseries Ltd