South West Grower Show: The HTA will have representatives providing industry related updates on 2 October at The Matford Centre in Devon

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Conference & Dinner

FutureGrow Expo

Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth

8 October 2024 

Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth 

Our brand new event FutureGrow Expo will bring together senior business leaders as well as leads and purchasing decision makers from production management and technical disciplines. It will showcase the strategic investment case for mechanisation and automation, whilst providing inspiration through innovative technology demonstrations that can transform business productivity and sustainability. With a focus on creating the time and space for networking, demonstrations and quality conversations, FutureGrow Expo will be the UK’s headline event for showing how strategic investments in automation and mechanisation will be essential for businesses aiming to remain competitive in the coming years. 

Visitor booking is now open! 

To book onto the FutureGrow Expo please follow the 'visitor' link below which will direct you to all visitor related content