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Service Provider Membership

The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is the voice of the UK horticulture industry.

For over 120 years we have represented and supported our members on issues impacting the sector. We give you a platform to promote your business.

Associate membership

  • If you supply business goods or services to businesses in the garden industry then associate membership could help you reach over 1,000 business customers. Use of the HTA logo on your materials carries huge kudos among our members and shows them that you're a reputable partner that's invested in the success of their industry.

Reaching customers

  • We can work with you to help you do business with our members. Access to our market research and HTA news magazine will help to key you in to the issues and topics in the industry and give you credibility in front of potential customers. You can also work with us on sponsorship or advertising opportunities around our many events, awards, or publications to help get your message across. We expect high professional and ethical standards from our associates, and if you hold these values similarly dearly then we'd love to work with you to deliver value to our members.


  • The HTA works for you, and with you, on issues which impact your day-to-day business. We work tirelessly with the government and the media to represent our member's views in order to shape policy and legislation on topics including:
  • Plant passporting and plant health regulations
  • Growing media and sustainability
  • Recycling (eg. Plant Pots)
  • Employment and labour
  • Horticultural careers
  • Nursery incentives
  • Business Rates


  • The Plant Health Certification Scheme helps you with the biosecurity of your supply chain, giving your customers confidence in trading with you.
  • The Plant Healthy website offers a simple to use self-assessment tool which allows you to assess your biosecurity procedures against the Plant Health Management Standard.

Preferred Partners

  • We work with a suite of suppliers offering sustainable solutions helping you to save money or receive favourable terms. These include:
  • Utilities, lighting, and fuel
  • Insurance
  • Health & Safety
  • HR and employee benefits


  • Bringing supply chain together e.g. During Covid-19, as well as cross-industry initiatives, such as sustainability.
  • Access to market information on the state of trade, trends and insight reports.
  • Discounts on HTA networking events, conferences, seminars and exhibitions.
  • Topical Seminars on issues such as plant passporting, sustainability and vine weevil prevention.
  • Latest industry news through our newsletter and weekly email updates.
  • Promotional industry marketing campaigns e.g. Keep Britain Growing
  • Access to e-learning via the HTA Hub – an online training platform.
  • Whatsapp Communities to network with other members in your region.


  • Belonging to the HTA gives you the opportunity to reach more customers and make new industry connections.
  • Our award-winning, annual National Plant Show (NPS) is a great way to promote your company, raise your profile and generate leads by providing a platform to showcase your products to buyers. HTA members receive preferential booking rates (up to 20% off advertised rates) as well as being allocated the first stands in the exhibition hall.
  • Participate in the nations best loved gardening promotion - National Garden Gift Voucher, which you can purchase at preferential rates. Associated promotions include National Children's Gardening Week, Keep Britain Growing and Plants Near Me.
  • Our Garden Press Event (GPE) is a great way to promote your business, connect the industry with the media and showcase the latest products - HTA Members receive preferential rates to exhibit.
  • Use of the HTA logo, showing that you are part of the community.
  • Sponsorship and advertising at preferential rates.
  • Exhibit at Glee at a discounted rate.

What our members are saying

The HTA stands out, by offering members real potential to influence matters which actually affect their industry.

Brian Fraser, Oakover Nurseries

Being members of the HTA has given us access to a wealth of contacts and resources, which have proven invaluable during the recent growth and development of our business. I truly believe that the intra-industry collaboration, which the HTA facilitates, holds a significant role in the evolution of horticulture.

Natalie Porter, Porters Fuchsias

I've attended quite a lot of HTA conferences and seminars over the years and I think you're hard-pressed not to come away with something that you can take home and apply to your own business when you get back and hit the floor.

Bruce Harnett

Enquire now

HTA Services team:

Horticultural Trades Association
Horticultural House
Chilton, Didcot
OX11 0RN