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Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

SECR compliance and who it applies to

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (or SECR) legislation came into force in April 2019, and this requires compulsory reporting for businesses that meet the following criteria:

  • All quoted UK companies
  • Large UK incorporated unquoted firms (companies fulfilling at least 2 of the following conditions in the financial year:

Companies who meet these criteria are required to report on energy use, carbon emissions and energy efficiency actions. Energy in the scope of the new SECR legislation includes all transport (road, rail, air and shipping) and UK electricity and gas.

Companies using less than 40,000 kWh of energy in the reporting year will be exempt from SECR. However, these companies will still need to include a statement in their report confirming that they are a low energy user. To put this into context, the average household in the UK uses around 3,700 kWh/year, and medium sized businesses average around 35,000kWh a year1

Find out more about SECR on the government website here

We have developed a partnership with The Planet Mark, and HTA members can join The Planet Mark at a 5% discount.  Once signed up, you can get help with your SECR if it applies to your business. The Planet Mark can certify not only your energy and carbon emissions for your SECR reporting, but also help your business to go further and reduce this footprint. They offer a SECR service for an extra fee, which you can use for advice, they will review your evidence and put this information together into a short SECR report for you to include in your annual Directors Report for audit and submission to Companies House.

Find out more about Planet Mark

1. Source:,very%20large%20amounts%20of%20electricity.