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The HTA welcomes the Environment Select Committee’s call for a national strategy for green spaces

15 March 2024 

Yesterday afternoon, Sir Robert Goodwill MP, chair of the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, wrote to the Environment Secretary, the Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, containing several crucial recommendations based on their inquiry into urban green spaces.  

Jennifer Pheasey, Director of Public Affairs at the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), commented: 

"The HTA is delighted with the recommendations of the inquiry, which recognise the importance of growing our urban green spaces. We provided strong and evidence-based input to this important inquiry and welcome the call for a cross-government group to deliver joined up policymaking for real change. This reflects the HTA’s longstanding call for an Office for Green Spaces, which has ever-growing cross-party support from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.  

With 30 million UK gardeners and a growing urban population who love and use our green spaces, it is crucial that we maximise the benefits of these important areas. Urban green spaces deliver enormous social, economic and environmental benefits, particularly in tackling climate change challenges in cities. The HTA has been urging politicians and policymakers to recognise the value of environmental horticulture for a long time now, not least because we deliver £28.8 billion in GDP and support 674,000 jobs in the UK." 

The letter can be accessed here


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