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OHAS for Retailers and Buyers

In a world where consumers are demanding ever higher standards, transparency, traceability and trust, working with OHAS Certified Suppliers can help you to cost effectively gain quality assurance in your horticulture supply chain. 

What is the Ornamental Horticulture Assurance Scheme (OHAS)?

OHAS is governed by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA). It is an internationally accredited quality assurance scheme for growers and packhouses of ornamental horticultural products and producers of growing media.

The Scheme raises industry standards and meets the needs of plant health initiatives by providing full traceability of plant, cut flower and growing media production. It sets high standards of professionalism, sustainability and environmental management and the annual, external audit process ensures these standards are achieved and maintained. It drives a guaranteed business model of continuous improvement.  Contracting with an OHAS Certified organisation means you will have complete confidence in the products and services you are buying, saving you time and money in monitoring supplier performance. 

OHAS was formed in 1996, up until 2020 it was known as BOPP - British Ornamental Plant Producers.

When you buy from an OHAS Certified supplier you are assured of:

  • Consistency of both quality and service
  • Full traceability for all products and confidence that the plants supplied are healthy
  • Quality management systems which ensure retailer/buyer requirements are met
  • Built-in continuous improvement processes which drive quality and customer satisfaction
  • Suppliers who are actively reducing their impact on the environment
  • Plants, flowers and growing media which have been produced safely and legally
  • Suppliers who have been audited annually by a third-party organisation which checks and monitors business practices and standards

Quality assurance - specific not generic

OHAS is the only certified scheme in the UK solely relevant and dedicated to ornamental horticulture. Unlike other generic quality schemes, OHAS standards are specifically designed to meet the specialist needs of the industry. They are managed by a dedicated team which means the standards are designed for and react to specific technical and legislative requirements within the horticulture industry.  In the last year, the OHAS Standards were strengthened in relation to plant health initiatives and biosecurity.  

Clear Plant Health and Biosecurity Alignment

The ethos of plant health and biosecurity is core to the OHAS Standards, and the Grower Standards are significantly aligned to plant health initiatives.

OHAS is a complete, robust, business management QA type scheme incorporating a wide scope of best practice.  It includes business management, health and safety, plant health, sustainability, the environment, staff management and welfare and much more.


If you would like to know more, or see a full copy of the OHAS Standards, please contact us via the email address below.