Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS)
IPAFFS is the system used for notifying GB authorities of movements of live animals, their products and germplasm into to GB from countries outside the EU and EEA
Latest IPAFFS Updates
The Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feedstuffs (IPAFFS) prenotification IT system is continually being developed, with e-phyto the first to arrive sometime before the end of 2023. We will keep you up to date with any changes planned for the system and also highlight learning opportunities available that would be helpful to your business.
Would you like to raise an issue regarding the IPAFFS registration?
Please contact the IT Plants Team
Commodity Code
Do you have a query regarding a Commodity Code?
Please contact the APHA Imports TAP team
IPAFFS Features (ie CSV)
Do you require further understanding of IPAFFS features?
Please see the Plant health User Guides on the gov.uk website