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Member Briefings


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Filter Resources:

HTA Member guidance on engaging with new Members of Parliament

With a new government in place after the general election, now is an excellent time to engage with the local politicians who are your new MPs. HTA has produced the below guidance.

HTA Members Briefing on Borders June 2024

HTA has produced this briefing for members highlighting key information related to the April 30th changes to the way plants are traded

HTA Response to CBAM consultation June 2024

HMRC and the Treasury have recently consulted on proposals to introduce Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the products in scope include fertilisers.

HTA submission on National Living Wage for 2025 and beyond

The Low Pay Commission makes recommendations on the National Living Wage and Minimum Wage rates annually. The HTA has submitted the below evidence.

HTA response to Welsh Gov Draft Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024 -2034

The Welsh Government was consulting on their mental health and wellbeing strategy for 2024-2034. The HTA has submitted the below evidence

HTA briefing on manifesto commitments June 2024

The Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, and Green Parties have now published their manifestos ahead of the General Election on the 4th July. Below we have outlined the key points for horticulture, you can also find links to the full manifestos

HTA Sustainable Drainage Systems FAQs document June 2024

The HTA has collated existing information and FAQs on the proposal to make sustainable drainage systems mandatory. This document is primarily for landscaper businesses.

HTA Members Briefing on Martyn's Law April 2024

The HTA has produced a briefing on Martyn's Law. The proposed legislation will impose requirements in relation to certain premises and events to increase their preparedness for, and protection from, a terrorist attack.

HTA Briefing Spring Budget 2024

Following the Spring Statement today (6th March), the HTA has produced a briefing for members that highlights the key measures that were announced.

Trade template MP letter

HTA has created a template letter for you to send to your MP regarding the upcoming BTOM

2024 SUMMARY BTOM Plant Sector Issues And Asks

HTA BTOM summary and asks paper to accompany the MP letter

HTA Members Briefing Welsh Workplace Recycling

From 6 April 2024, it will become law for all businesses, charities and public sector organisations to sort their waste for recycling. The below briefing collates information on the changes from the Welsh Government website.